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How to make store item pages for the Jimdo store

You can create individual pages for each of your store items. Placing one Store Item element on a page makes it easier to integrate Social Media elements and to link directly to a specific Store Item.


Step 1

Create as many subpages as you need for each of your store items under your Store page.



You can hide the invididual store item pages in your navigation by clicking the eyeball icon next to each page. When hidden, the pages will only be visible in edit mode. Hiding these pages will prevent you from having an extremely long subpages menu on your website.

Step 2

On each subpage you created, add one Store Item element. Then, add all of the pertinent information about the product to it.


Step 3

On your store page, add a Store Catalog element.


You're all set! Visitors that click on a single store item on your Store page will be redirected to the individual product page.

Important: While it’s great adding individual product pages, it’s important to try to keep your websites navigation under 100 pages for optimal speed.